Ministry of Home Affairs ( MHA) Guidelines for Resuming Operations and adherence to SOPs

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MHA SOP Compliance Audit by Annveshan

Covid 19 Pandemic is one of the greatest challenge the world has faced since the world war II. The virus has spread across nations disrupting the economy and causing loss of life. India understanding the impact it could have on its citizens , Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi announced a 21 day nationwide lockdown starting mid night of March 24th 2020 and extended the same till 3rd May 2020.
Understanding that economy should also be protected, The Government of India, has allowed certain selected activities to commence operations from April 20th 2020. The list includes Commercial and Private Establishments such as Print and Electronic media including broadcasting, DTH and cable services, IT and IT enabled services with 50% strength, E-commerce companies, Data and Call Centres for Government activities, Courier Services, Cold storage and Warehousing services, Private security services, Hotels, Homestays, Lodges accommodating tourists during lockdown. Government of India has allowed Industrial Establishments under private sector to operate as well located in specified zones. This includes Establishments under Industrial townships, Special Economic Zones and Export Oriented Units. Manufacturing of essential goods like drugs and medical devices, Manufacturing of IT hardware and Packaging materials to name a few in all areas.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has prescribed Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for public, workspaces and manufacturing establishments to commence their operations. SOP needs to be strictly adhered to in Offices, Workplaces, Factories and Establishments. These SOPs have been prescribed to make sure social distancing and employee safety measures are being followed.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has prescribed Penalties for Violation of the Lockdown measures and shall be liable to be proceeded against the provisions of Section 51 and 60 of Disaster Management Act 2005 and under Section 188 of Indian Penal Code. This applies to companies and its personnel in charge.
It is important for those entities which will resume operations from 20th have to strictly comply with the SOPs. Even a stray case of an employee or customer turning COVID -19 positive can cause a huge strain on the entity and can bring in disrepute and penalties including imprisonment.

MHA Guidelines Compliance Audit by Annveshan

We are proud to state that Annveshan has been in the forefront to provide timley Business Solutions to organizations.

Ministry of Home Affairs have prescribed guidelines which needs to be implemented and adhered to by companies, with strict compliance. We could help organizations ensure that all guidelines prescribed by Ministry of Home Affairs have been adhered to. We will carry out a Compliance Audit to ensure that the guidelines have been followed and will issue a Compliance Certificate to your organization. This will help companies to ensure that all due diligence has been followed and will ensure that you are well protected, even, if god forbid, there is stray case of COVID Positive in your organization. The audit procedures will document your compliance with the MHA guidelines with appropriate evidences that may protect you in an unfortunate event. This will also help managements to have a risk control, that all their operating units are in compliance with MHA guidelines. We will undertake this Audit through remote tools and ensure we too, shall follow social distancing in events where we need to visit your establishment.

We have attached the MHA guidelines along with this mail. Please do go through the same.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping your organization on this. Please be free to call us for more details. Please call Rajesh on 9845348828/ 9632988828 or can reach him on email –